Abstract:This paper analyses the impact of populstion migration on population development in Cadana. The process of population increase in Canada can be divided into three periods.When combined with the population migration, the third period can be divided into 4 subperiods.
The population migration plays some important roles in the process of poputation development. 1) The effect of migration on the population increase is becoming stronger due to the decreasing of the natural population increase rate and the ageing of population age structure. 2) The race and language of canada has becoming more and more varied since 1960's,accompaning the variety of the original areas of migrants. 3) The population gravity centre of Canada has been moving forward from east to west. In this process, the population migration is one of the important pushing factors. 4) The population size of Canada will be about 31-32 million by the Year of 2025 if the average yearly net immigrants will be 60 thousand, according to a prediction.